Aiming to welcome tourists and contribute to the social and economic aspects of locals, many local governments of Kathmandu valley are contributing to develop infrastructure mobility, promoting, and preserving the cultural aspects. With the market in search of new destinations and venues, the heritage settlements of Lalitpur Metropolitan City like Bungamati, Pilachhen and respectives could benefit, as a quality destination of tourism in national and international arena. In the years before the earthquake of 2015, Bungamati had slowly ascended, offering its historical environment and wood carving products. One in four young adults in Bungamati made or sold handicrafts. The workshops were on the ground floors of the damaged or destroyed traditional houses. The rebuilding of Bungamati and other historical settlements is about rebuilding houses and rebuilding important public spaces – streets, squares and temples – and rebuilding the local economy. Parya Sampada Project funded by European Union Switch-Asia Programme assists the Nepal Government in rebuilding and revitalizing the tangible and intangible heritages of Bungamati.

It joins hands with the Ministry of Urban Development, Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Civil Aviation for regular consultation and policy level reforms whereas Lalitpur Metropolitan City is our co-partner for implementing the assigned activities and programs in Bungamati and Pilachhen. This project mainly engages in two heritage settlements of the Valley. Heritage conservation has already started at the community level in Pilachhen (LMC Ward No 7) and Bungamati ( LMC Ward No 22). UN-Habitat along with its partner organization Centre for Integrated Urban Development (CIUD), SAARC Business Association of Home Based Workers (SABAH), Lumanti and Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies (IHS) are supporting to foster the tangible and intangible heritages of Bungamati and Pilachhen area. Believing in local engagement in the implementation phase, the community led Bungamati Area Reconstruction and Development Council (BARDeC) is actively engaged on every activity carried out in Bungamati. These partners are currently renovating two traditional public spaces in Bungamati. UN-Habitat takes part in the strong 'Leaving No One Behind' campaign of the UN system in Nepal, within the context of the SDGs. The UN and EU are the front runners to support this global cause. Parya Sampada along with local entities of Bungamati and Pilachhen are working to make the dream of sustainable tourism succeed.